How Business PR can help you Grow your Business

Growing your business is every business owner’s dream. I have not come across a business owner who doesn’t want to grow and expand his territories. Therefore, for your business to be ranked among the top most successful businesses, you must do whatever it takes to reach to the top.

Believe it or not, business advertising is one smooth way of outing your business, your products or services out there. Thanks to the media platforms – newspapers, radio, TV and of course social media networks – business marketing and advertising can now reach a great majority of people.

As amazing as it may sound, business press releases take the cake when it comes to informing the general public of your business, your brand, your products and/or services. Basically, a business press release is every business owner’s ticket to publicity. With a well structured PR, media outlets will be glad to help you grow your business through exclusive media coverage either through publications, TV orradio.

How to Write a Great Business PR

  • Understand the Format – Is it your first time drafting a business press release? Then it is important that you learn the best format for your PR to be accepted. The first thing you should put into consideration is the PR headline – is it strong, catchy and memorable? If so, then you are off to a great start.

Come up with a captivation opening statement followed by easy to read and interesting paragraphs. Ensure that each paragraph backs up the previous paragraph to have continuity and flow. By so doing, your reporter or reporters will know that you knew exactly what you were doing and they will also get to understand your specific needs and goals.

  • According to Mosaico and other world renowned business management experts, too long is too boring. Therefore, keep your press release as short as possible and straight to the point. Do not beat around the bush, just hit the nail on the head and your media people will give you an opportunity. Truth is, media people do not have the time of day to go through long and boring press releases. Therefore, if you want yours not to pass unrecognized, you must keep it short but interesting.
  • Put yourself in the shoes of your reporter then go ahead and ask yourself this question ‘what is the news in this story?’ If there is nothing there, then I’m sorry to say no reporter will be interested in reading your press release. Therefore, when writing a business press release, you must set an engaging tone, one that will make the reader want more and more.
  • Have some SEO knowledge – in this day and age, an age where social media is taking over, it is an added advantage if you are SEO savvy. Once your release is posted online, it will attract hundreds of clients or readers. Good news is, with the right keywords, your press release will gain extra publicity. Believe it or not, using keywords is one of the smartest SEO marketing strategies that will never disappoint.


Mark Kennedy is an SEO expert with Mosaico, one of the renowned press release distribution firms. According to Mark, good press releases are the road to success. Read more about business press releases on his blog.