Warehouse Woes – 6 Tips For Protecting Your Business From Theft

Business is tough.

Not only do you have to contend with customers, staff, the taxation office, your accountant, your family, and just about everyone else you might come into contact with during the day, you also have to deal with thieves. According to the Australian Retailers Association Executive Director Russell Zimmermam, in the six weeks to Christmas alone, retailers would be faced with theft equalling about $1.4 billion.

It’s a serious problem, and that is just retail stores.

The main source of “shrinkage” – or theft of good – are shoplifting, employee theft and administration losses. What is great about owning a business nowadays can be your biggest security asset – technology. It is important that, as a business owner, you take a serious step towards ensuring safety within in your business. So, with the help of Obsec live security, here are are six steps for protecting your business from theft.

1) Keep track of stock

Regular stock takes will ensure that you are keeping track of all of your stock coming in and all of the stock going out. If you do regular stock takes you will be able to monitor if theft is plaguing your store or warehouse. Warehouse stock takes are important to ensure that you can plug any cracks in your security system. Work with your staff and ensure that everyone is clear on why stock takes are necessary for the business.

2) Educate your staff

When you get into business, you will understand that human resources are your biggest assets. If you treat your staff well, your business will run so smoothly. If you educate your staff, they will be the first line of defence. It is a great idea to do regular training sessions on basic security threats. Allowing your staff to be empowered will be the best thing you can do for your business.

3) Install monitoring systems

There are some key ways to reduce the likelihood of theft at your warehouse or your shop, and one that has been proven to work is to install monitoring systems. Installing a monitoring system can actually reduce the likelihood that your businesses will be targeted by thieves and it will likely keep your staff honest. This is a proven way to give your business that extra layer of security and keep the thieves honest.

4) Provide a way to report theft

Sometimes it can be difficult for staff members to report theft, especially when it comes to other staff members. If you can create a safe space for employees to report theft, without having to feel as though they are doing the wrong thing. This needs to be done carefully, but creating a system can be highly effective.

5) Find the right software

Using a software system to track your stock can help you manage the flow of stock even better! There are plenty of systems that can track inventory, including tagging the stock and assigning it to a particular department. There are systems that can even turn your merchandise into observable data.

6) Review your measures regularly

You can put the best preventions measures in place, but if you don’t regularly review your processes, it may not be as effective. Thieves get sneakier and get clued on very quickly. It is important to regularly review your safety measures and ensure you update your systems and processes each time you review.

Although you may feel as though some safeguards may be costly, sometimes it can be a smarter business decision to put the practises in place, rather than lose money because of theft. You might find that this saves you money in the long run. If you need advice on how to put security measures in place in your business, you should contact a local supplier who understands your particular needs.