How to boost your sales in Facebook

There is no doubt that Facebook is a great place to generate traffic and sales for any business. Even there are already so many brands out there, who is using Facebook as one of their top social media platforms to generate sales.

However the other side of the story is, it is not really that easy to generate sales on Facebook.

So the question is How to boost your sales on facebook?

Well if you have this question in your head. Then in this article, we are going to talk about some of the top ways that will help you to boost your sales using Facebook.

How to boost your sales on facebook ?

Know Your Audience:

The first thing that you need to focus on is knowing your audience. Ask yourself this question, who’s going to buy this product?

your audience love your content

If it is teenagers, then you have to target the teens only. There is no point of targeting the older users on Facebook.

Similarly, if your product is for older users, then you cant target the teenagers on Facebook. That’s why knowing your customers is the first thing that you should do.

Once you have the answer to the question, simply select the targeting ages, and interests to get more sales from Facebook.

Use A Multi-Product Carousel:

Facebooks ads have seen a lot of changes in the last few years and have met with lots of improvements. One of such improvements or you can say a new advertisement feature is the Multi-Product Carousel.

Multi-Product Carousel display

This is one of the most used ad feature used by most of the brands out there. This feature allows the user to scroll through your products and gets you more clicks.

Also, you can list a number of different products in a single ad, instead of running an ad for individual products.

Use Videos:

Believe it or not, Facebook’s algorithm now focuses more on the videos instead of images. Hence if you want to get more reach for your Facebook videos, then you better start posting videos.

Videos are attractive in Facebook

Also, try to make your videos as short as possible. As people do not like to watch longer videos on facebook. That is why keeping your videos short would be good.

Also, do try to make your videos as attractive as possible. Even you can shoot a commercial video just for Facebook that clearly shows your product.

Post in Multiple Groups:

In order to get more sales for your product, you can even post about it to multiple Facebook groups. Facebook groups often have the highest engagement rate.

post inside the facebook groupsSo if you choose to display your product in such groups. Then you may get a pretty good number of sales.

However, finding groups on facebook and posting them on a regular basis can be a tough job to deal with. In such cases, you can simply use a post to multiple Facebook groups app. These types of apps will automatically find groups for you as well as it will help you post on such groups with ease.

Watch their official Video below :

Boost An Existing Post:

Sometimes new posts perform worst compared to the old posts. In such cases, you can boost one of the popular posts from the post.

Boost your content in facebook ads

This way you will get a surety that users are on facebook going to click on it. And who knows you might get some sales.

Another plus point of boosting old posts is that you do not have to create some new ad content to attract the users. An existing post will do the job for you.

Focus On Brand Engagement:

Sometimes you need to stop selling a product and focus on getting brand engagement. Like if people get to know about your brand, then they will surely look for your product when they will shopping next time.

Your brand is important always

That is why most of the brands out there often run Facebook ads just to create brand engagement.

While running advertisements for your brand, you can focus on telling some inspiring story. Or something relatable. As people easily get connected to the relatable stories, so it will be easier for you to get more engagements.

Call To Action:

The call to action is also one of the newest features of the Facebook ads. It allows the advertisers to create their personal call to action button.

It is one of the most used Facebook ad option used by almost every brand out there. Plus they have found pretty amazing results.

The call to action button helps them to increase their click through rate. As well as it helps the users to understand what your ad is about.

Offer A Coupon:

In order to boost up your sales, you can also offer a coupon to the users. Run a Facebook ad mentioning the coupon code.

Coupon offering by displaying an image

And as you are already aware of the fact that people love coupon codes. So if your product excites them, then they will surely use the coupon code to place an order.

Even if you look at other brands, then you will find that they often offer a coupon code. So this is something that you can try out as well with your Facebook ad campaigns.

Use Attractive Images:

use attractive images in post

In the end, focus on using attractive and rich images. Something that attracts the users and makes them click on your Ads.

Clothing brands often use their most attracting product for their marketing. This way, they increase their click through rate on facebook as well as boosts up their sales.

So whenever you are going to use an image for your Facebook ad. Just ask yourself this question, “it is attractive enough to get clicks?”

If your answer comes out as a yes. Then you are all good to go.

Final Words:

So those were a couple of ways that will boost up your sales on Facebook advertisements. Now it is your call to go and try them out and see if it is working for you or not. Also for any questions, you can feel free to comment below.