Edgewater celebrates 15 years!

Edgewater, a WesleyLife community in West Des Moines, Iowa, celebrates 15  years!

Occupants, colleagues, and WesleyLife pioneers assembled Wednesday at Edgewater, a WesleyLife People group for Solid Living in West Des Moines, to celebrate 15 years of serving Focal Iowa as one of the area’s most complete networks for individuals 55 and more established.

Speakers that included WesleyLife President and Chief Burglarize Kretzinger, current and previous leader chiefs Abby Harlacher and Janet Simpson — presently WesleyLife’s VP of tasks — and one of the local area’s most memorable occupants, Bill Brantley, tended to a flood horde of inhabitants, colleagues, and companions in one of the local area’s huge social event habitats to start a daylong festival.

Kretzinger recounted the account of Edgewater’s starting points — of driving “out west, past the shopping center that wasn’t as yet even there” — at the proposal of the visionary donor John Stoddard, who had encouraged the association to purchase land in the Dallas Region piece of West Des Moines.

“A couple of individuals thought we were insane, yet it appears to have ended up actually working,” Kretzinger expressed, looking at the pressed Performing Expressions Center, a new expansion to the local area, one of WesleyLife’s biggest grounds and one known for its design and open air highlights. “We’ve been honored with extraordinary occupants, incredible colleagues, and extraordinary families, and we are appreciative to every one of you.”

Brantley and his better half, Helen, were the principal couple to move to Edgewater; Harlacher pointed out that in fact, the late Des Moines pediatrician Marion Alberts was the local area’s most memorable occupant, and imparted to a snicker that “he could never have allowed me to fail to remember it assuming I’d misunderstood that.”

Brantley adulated the local area and WesleyLife for, in addition to other things, the monetary keenness that keeps on helping occupants.

“Edgewater chiefs have been willing to report every year the monetary states of Edgewater and WesleyLife, and I’m satisfied to let you know that (new leader chief) Abby plans to proceed with this training to keep up this straightforwardness,” he said. He additionally commended Edgewater’s colleagues, particularly ones who have been with the local area since it opened its entryways, for their obligation to quality assistance.

“We need to offer our most profound thanks to every individual who has been a piece of this unbelievable excursion,” Brantley said of the beyond 15 years. “To our occupants, thank you for your trust and for making this local area your home. To our colleagues, thank you for your devotion and for blowing away consistently.

“Here’s to 15 years of valued recollections and to a lot more long stretches of satisfaction, giggling, and harmony.”

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