How to Learn New Skills for your Business


Whether you’ve started your business or are still in the planning stages, you’ve probably realized that there are some skills that you’ll have to learn to successfully manage your business. As an entrepreneur, you probably don’t have a lot of time in your day or the money to undertake an expensive full time course at college level. Should you therefore give up on learning new skills?

Two points to remember

There is good news for those who don’t have many free hours for the mastering of a new skill. You don’t have to spend countless hours on a particular skill to master it. Research has shown that it’s not about the hours spent on mastering a skill, but the quality of the practice. Being clever about using your limited time is of more value than having a lot of time to practice the skill.

You also don’t have to spend countless hours studying large volumes of books to master new skills. A study by the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine shows that variety is more beneficial for mastering skills than drone repetition.

Tools for learning

If you’re trying to learn a new skill, you may be limited by money or time. If so, you may want to explore the following options for learning:

  1. Online courses

This is the easiest way to learn a new skill. Online courses allow you to gain knowledge from experts in the field you are interested in. Accredited courses allow you the added benefit of gaining a recognized qualification.

Online courses are not only more affordable than taking courses on campus, but they also allow you greater flexibility and control. You decide what you learn, when and how fast you learn it. Many of the resources shared in these courses will also be available to you for a long time after completing the course. You can therefore refer to the content when you need it.

  1. Instructional and educational videos

TV programs, YouTube and other online resources provide a wealth of information for those seeking knowledge. You can gain insight into various topics of interest through watching videos online as well as on TV. Click here for more on TV specials and offers to help you access documentaries and other educational TV content.

Using video to learn skills helps you see the skills in application. Videos are also a welcome change from written content. You can learn a lot more in a shorter period of time.

  1. Online communities

Online communities such as on LinkedIn are a great source of information. These social tools allow you to gain information from industry experts as well as individuals with similar interests to yours. Taking part in discussions also helps you build your network, which will be beneficial for your business.

  1. E-Books

There are many e-books available on various topics. E-books are often cheaper than printed versions. You may even come across some free books in your area of interest. These books can be taken with you anywhere and accessed from your smart device while you commute to and from work or during a break. They can greatly enhance your use of your free time by enabling you to learn while on the go.