A Mustang Compared to a Huffy

Payment gateways solutions give more thorough control to Merchants selling goods are services.  With this greater control, they’re able to open up their interactions, facilitating congress with many processors.  Furthermore, such solutions aide in the securing of cardholder data.  Finally, there is a great deal of automation involved in the process, which necessarily saves a great deal of time and money.  When all these things are in place, merchants can more cogently go about the business of acquisition, expansion, and maintenance.  Their manual tasks have been minimized.

It’s common in Information Technology circles to aim for redundancy reduction.  What is redundant?  Repetitive behavior.  Imagine you’ve got to clean out your desk.  What is going to be quicker; throwing everything in one bag and transporting it, or taking it piece by piece to the place it’s got to be?  If your travel time between where your desk is and where your car is comes to one minute, then each trip is approximately two minutes in length with a turnover between one minute treks of about thirty seconds as you put whatever it is you’ve taken wherever it needs to go, and then pick up another item for travel.  All together you’re looking at three minutes per item.  If you’ve got a hundred items, that’s three hundred minutes; or five hours.  Meanwhile, you could put multiple items into a single place, and reduce the time it takes you to pack your desk by literally hours.  Payment gateways are an option like that, because they reduce workloads that are redundant.  Standalone point of sale systems have extant “footwork” required in the process of sales which definitely takes away a business owner’s ability to diversify his activity into expansion.  They facilitate redundancies.  Meanwhile, PCI or Payment Card Industry solutions like Payment Gateways totally eliminate most of these additional chores.


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Financially, this makes sense.  The world of finance is complicated, but mathematics reveal the sensibility in eliminating redundancy.  For the purposes of argument, let’s assume PCI upgrades eliminate only ten hours a week from your workload.  Instead of storing payment information, client information, et, you’re able to just get paid and move on with yourself.  Ten hours a week translates to forty hours a month.  Forty hours a month translates to four-hundred and eighty hours a year.  How much is your time worth?  Ten dollars? That means a PCI system that saved you ten hours a week have saved you $4,800.00 a year.  If your time is worth a hundred dollars, then a PCI system could stand to save you $48,000.00 a year.  Certainly, many factors are involved; but what is apparent is that, despite the fact payment gateways add additional layers to an organization’s workload which incur additional cost and payment infrastructure, merchants the world over are adopting these techniques.  The additional infrastructure’s handicapping qualities are outweighed by the financial bonus which comes from successful PCI integration.


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Dharma Merchant Services offers not only credit card transactions for processing, but ACH or “check” payment processing as well.  One of the most trusted options, Dharma Merchant Services has helped a variety of clients save time, money, and energy through their Payment Gateway services.

It makes sense for any merchant to use the modern innovations available to them.  Why avoid a car if you’ve only got a bicycle? The car will certainly open up worlds of transportation options to you!  It’s much easier to travel when you can go seventy miles an hour without breaking a sweat, than a top speed of fifteen miles per hour and difficulty breathing.  Payment Gateways are like a Mustang compared to a Huffy.