Stress-Free Finances

Stress and money too often go hand-in-hand. Getting your personal finances in order can help reduce some of the anxiety you feel about money. A clear plan gives you some consistency around your finances. Knowing what to expect can go a long way to easing your mind.

Set Goals

Set some clear goals for yourself. What might you want to save for? Are you drowning in debt? Do you wish to get out of your current job and change careers? Finances affect many areas of your life whether you realize it or not. All of these things affect how you manage your finances.

Write down both long and short-term goals. These help you gain focus. Prioritize your goals and determine one small step that you can take today that will get you closer to reaching them. Create a budget that will help you realize these dreams.

Set a Budget and Stick to It

to spending habits that are hard to break. Start out with a simple budget. Review your expenses, income, and current spending habits. Determine where you can cut costs. Consider only using debit cards or cash to make purchases.

Sometimes creating envelopes that represent different categories can help you keep your spending in check. You can use the same idea with checking accounts. Have separate accounts for recurring monthly expenses, entertainment and food. This way you must be aware of the money you are spending so you don’t overdraw. If you use this method, resist the urge to dip into your other accounts or envelops. Instead, reduce your spending in that category.

Reduce Spending

Look at all of your expenses. Are there any areas where you can cut costs? You might be able to contact your internet and cable provider and negotiate lower rates. Are you paying for the right insurance coverage? Contact your local insurance agency and come up with a plan that saves you money. Limit your frivolous spending. That grande latte is much more rewarding if it is a treat instead of an everyday purchase.

Become Debt-Free

As part of your budget, devise a plan for getting out of debt. Many Americans consider debt a part of life. It doesn’t have to be. Use the snowball method to slowly pull yourself out of bondage to lenders and other loan providers. Once you are debt-free, work hard to stay that way.

Watching your finances can really reduce stress. Money can be intimidating for some individuals, but it doesn’t have to be. Keep things simple.